Friday, October 30, 2009
The Fall 2009 Etsy Baby Shower is wrapping up...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Meet BabbidgePatch, VanillaKnitsandBits and DitsyBitsy from the Etsy Baby Shower

Leanne’s advice for new moms is to teach their baby to put themselves to sleep, she says “it can be done and is much better for the baby and [mom] in the long run.” She also reminds moms to nap when the baby naps, and moms NEED naps too. One final bit of advice from Leanne is to prioritize so that the ‘absolutely have to be done stuff’ gets done and the rest can wait.
For the months of October and November VanillaKnitsandBits will be offering 15% off to blog readers - use the discount code "Baby Shower" in the message to seller and you will be refunded via PayPal.

Monday, October 26, 2009
Meet kjmSILKS and Cookiefleur from the Etsy Baby Shower

Kim’s advice for new moms is to sleep when the baby sleeps, and to “take good care of yourself, so you can take good care of your baby.”
kjmSILKS will be offering free domestic shipping and half-off worldwide shipping during the month of November. Just enter 'NOVSALE' in notes to seller.

This is cookiefleur’s first Etsy Baby Shower and she says she is “excited and honored to be part of it.” The lucky mom paired with cookiefleur will be getting the The Bella Headband.
Please be sure to check out these other generous shops who also donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower: TessieLou, thelollipopboutique and ditsybitsy
Meet PaintMeAPicture, StymiepieStudios and ItzFitz from the Etsy Baby Shower


Leslie from StymiepieStudios joined Etsy on March 31, 2009. Leslie’s inspiration started with the reaction of one of her mural customers after finishing painting their nursery… Their reaction and the excitement of being a part of such a special time in their lives encouraged Leslie to start painting items for the home as well as decor and original artwork for children's rooms. Leslie has worked as an artist all of her life, but these past 6 months, after joining Etsy, have been the most creative period of her life. Leslie admits she cried (tears of joy!) after selling her first print on Etsy. Leslie’s favorite items are her prints, she says they are “like her children.”

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Meet SandysCapeCodOrig and Ahmelie from the Etsy Baby Shower

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Meet SweetDesignsByMaryum, PlumTreeStudio and BoutiqueLuckyStars from the Etsy Baby Shower

Maryum’s advice for new moms is to take everything in stride and one step at a time. She said “[babies] like to throw monkey wrenches in any plan you try to make… just go with the flow and let baby take the lead sometimes.”
SweetDesignsByMaryum will be having a different sale each week between now and Christmas. This week is 15% off all Christmas items, so be sure to stop by her shop.

Plum Tree Studio’s inspiration currently is her nieces and nephews. Plum tree studio started because of one of her nieces. The plum tree studio collection includes unique appliquéd tees and one-pieces. They carry items for both boys and girls ranging in ages of 3 months up to 5 years. Their collection has recently expanded to include accessories like bibs, burp cloths and button ties. You can see the “Ships Ahoy Tee” here!
Starting November 1st, Plum Tree Studio will be participating in EtsyKids's Santa Sleigh Ride Team Holiday Sale. Receive a discount of 10% off any purchase of $50.00 or more (does not include shipping).

Jennifer’s advice for new moms is to have a sense of humor, keep a camera or video handy and remember to write down all those proud, mischievous, and fall out of your chair funny moments or you WILL forget. Jennifer has a journal of memories in a Word Doc with hopes of one day making a scrapbook for her children when things slow down, she asks herself “but do they really ever?!”
*~* Don’t forget to stop by Jessica’s Blog from BuggaLove to read about more of the generous shops that donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower! *~*
Friday, October 23, 2009
Meet SmileyPomegranate, lovems1, TLCBlanketsandThings and LittleBabyFooFoo from the Etsy Baby Shower

Nancy’s advice to new moms is to “always stop and take time for your babies – anything else can always wait, before you know it they will be grown and gone, they are only little once!” She recalls a memory from when her daughters were little. She says she was a type A mom who had to have everything done and everything needed to be in its place. Her grandma came over one day and said the most profound thing to her. She said, “Nancy when those girls are grown, they will not remember the day you didn’t make the beds because you stopped to play a game with them, they will however remember that you always made the time for them no matter what!”

*~* Don’t forget to stop by Jessica’s Blog from BuggaLove to read about more of the generous shops that donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower! *~*
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Meet ProffittProductions, TheEnglishPea and EnglishMuffinShop from the Etsy Baby Shower

Amy from ProffittProductions joined Etsy on September 5th, 2008 and started working on her shop seriously about a year later. She finds inspiration anywhere- sometimes from a ladybug, sometimes from a Coke bottle, but she says most of my designs come to her right before bedtime when she has laid down and has nothing to do but drift off to sleep. ProffittProductions specializes in the design of custom photo birthday party invitations, baptism files, and birth announcements. Amy loves creating unique files and tweaking the ones she has to reflect the uniqueness of her clients. Amy loves several of her designs, but one of her favorites is a swirly sort of romantic inspired birth announcement in shades of chocolate and plum.

ProffittProducitons will be offering $2 off one design of your choice. Blog readers must mention "blog" in the notes to seller portion while checking out.
http://www.proffittproductions.etsy.com/, www.facebook.com/proffittproductions, http://www.aproffittablelife.blogspot.com/

Alison has been part of the Etsy family for quite some time through other shops but TheEnglishPea became a shop this time last year. Alison is inspired by her children. She loves creating for them and most of the things she makes were made for them first. She always has her children in mind when drafting designs. TheEnglishPea offers a line of fine stationery designed for children. She uses bright colors and simple graphics and all her items can be personalized. Some of her items include invitations, personalized notecards, bagtags, bookplates, and birth announcements. Alison's favorite item are her personalized note cards. She says "they are fun and perfect for jotting a little note of thanks for your child or writing a note to a grandparent or friend."
This is the first time TheEnglishPea is participating in the Etsy Baby Shower and she is excited to be a part of it! The lucky mom matched with TheEnglishPea will be getting a set of personalized folded notecards, and the mom can choose whatever graphic she likes.
Alison's advice to new moms is to "not sweat the small stuff and savor the little things." She encourages new moms to be present with their children as much as possible and explains that the "'to do' list will always be there and your little ones won't."
TheEnglishPea has extended her Friends and Family Discount (October 15th-31st) to blog readers. In order to receive 15% off anything in her shop simply mention 'Friends and Family' in the 'message to seller' during checkout.
http://www.theenglishpea.com/, http://www.theenglishpea.etsy.com/, www.facebook.com/theenglishpea, www.alischeaperbythehalfdozen.blogspot.com

Bess from the EnglishMuffinShop joined Etsy in September 2008 and then opened up shop in October 2008. She is inspired by bright colors, clean lines and simple shapes, by the wonder and imagination of children and by the journey of learning. The EnglishMuffinShop likes to design simple, beautiful and fun prints and posters for kids and kids at heart. Some of her pieces are staples in her shop, like The Animal Alphabet Poster and Letter Prints, while other items change with the seasons. Currently you can find EnglishMuffinShop's new 2010 Calendar for sale and the printable 2010 Holiday Stationary Sets will be listed in the coming weeks. Bess's favorite product is the Animal Alphabet Poster. It was the first thing she designed for EnglishMuffinShop and it has been my best seller. She says it is "amazing to think about all the little babies in North America and Europe that are looking up at [her] Animal Alphabet Poster, [it is]very humbling."

Bess says that she will give her advice to new moms "if/when [she becomes] a mom [herself.] ;)"
The EnglishMuffinShop is offering a "free priority shipping upgrade" on her 2010 Calendar for the month of October.
http://www.englishmuffinshop.etsy.com/, http://www.englishmuffinshop.com/, http://www.englishmuffinblog.blogspot.com/, http://twitter.com/EnglshMuffnShop
Please be sure to check out these other generous shops who also donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower:
GraceHesterDesigns and iiventory
*~* Don't forget to stop by Jessica's Blog from BuggaLove to read about more of the generous shops that donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower! *~*
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Meet SillySockMonkeys and RetroRugrats from the Etsy Baby Shower

Ilia's advice to new moms is to "not worry about the housework, do what you can and enjoy this special time while your baby is so tiny!" She encourages moms to take lots of pictures and notes to stick into your baby book in case you don't have time to write everything in right away. She reminds us fellow moms that "when [our] child is big [we] will look at those pictures and all the good memories will come rushing back."
SillySockMonkeys will be offering a 20% discount to blog readers, be sure to enter the discount code: ETSY BABY SHOWER.

Please be sure to check out these other generous shops who also donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower:
ahmelie, littlethingsboutique and doodiesbooties
*~* Don't forget to stop by Jessica's Blog from BuggaLove to read about more of the generous shops that donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower! *~*
Monday, October 19, 2009
Meet SavvyStitcher, CuddleBaby and SewingGranny from the Etsy Baby Shower

Sara from SavvyStitcher joined Etsy on September 17, 2008.
Sara loves making contemporary baby items for contemporary moms and is inspired by new fabrics. She often rushes home to make a new creation when she gets a print she loves!
SavvyStitcher's shop is mostly made up of baby items, but also includes any new crafts that she has made and wants others to enjoy with her. Currently, Sara's favorite item is the embroidered squirrel onesie.
SavvyStitcher has also participated the spring 2009 baby shower and hopes to participate in many more! J The lucky mom matched with Sara will likely get a personalized bib or burp cloth set, but will wait until she hears back from her to hear what she likes!
Sara's advice to moms is that "the most important thing you can do is love your child unconditionally."
SavvyStitcher has offered free shipping for blog readers (enter code: Etsy Baby Shower) will refund via PayPal or revised invoice.
www.savvystitcher.etsy.com www.savvystitcher.blogspot.com
www.twitter.com/savvystitcher www.facebook.com/savvystitcher
Shannon from CuddleBaby joined Etsy in August 2007. When Shannon's 2nd daughter was born, she was 7 weeks early and spent 5 weeks in the NICU before coming home. Shannon loved the blankets they used there because they were so big and easy to wrap around her baby. She started making her own blankets after being annoyed when she couldn't buy any blankets that size, thus CuddleBaby Boutique was born.
CuddleBaby's shop is mostly comprised of X-Large Receiving Blankets, Minky blankets, several different Tutorials and really enjoys the challenge of making patterns for some of her favorite products! Although she likes the Receiving Blankets because they are so practical, she admits that she absolutely LOVES the Minky Blankets because "they are so soft and cuddly!" Her 7 week old baby loves his already and seems to prefer it over any others.
Shannon encourages new moms to "enjoy every second of every day because in the blink of an eye, your little one will not be so little anymore!"
CuddleBaby is currently offering a 'Buy 2 Get 1 Free' deal on all tutorials! All of her Minky blankets are also on sale right now.
www.cuddlebaby.etsy.com www.cuddlebabyblankets.blogspot.com
Mona from SewingGranny joined Etsy in June of 2007 after a marketing consultant suggested she check Etsy for to determine what price certain items were selling for. She loves to sew and loves beautiful fabrics...as soon as she finds a new fabric she immediately starts imagining what she can do with it. SewingGranny's shop is all about sewn items...her passion is quilting, but has ventured out into other items. Her shop has a wide variety of items now...Baby quilts, baby bibs and burp clothes, aprons, potholders and placemats, and does a lot of custom work. Mona's favorite items are her quilted baby quilts... She sells a lot of them to friends, family, coworkers and at her consignment shops.
SewingGranny also participated in the Etsy Baby Shower last year. The lucky mom matched up with SewingGranny will be getting a baby burp cloth set and possibly a surprise for the new little bundle!

Please be sure to check out these other generous shops who donated to the Etsy Baby Shower:
perfectlyprecious and barnyardbaby
*~* Please also stop by Jessica's Blog from BuggaLove to read about more of the generous shops who donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower! *~*