Kim’s advice for new moms is to sleep when the baby sleeps, and to “take good care of yourself, so you can take good care of your baby.”
kjmSILKS will be offering free domestic shipping and half-off worldwide shipping during the month of November. Just enter 'NOVSALE' in notes to seller.

This is cookiefleur’s first Etsy Baby Shower and she says she is “excited and honored to be part of it.” The lucky mom paired with cookiefleur will be getting the The Bella Headband.
Linda says that since she is not a mom she really doesn’t have any advice to give new moms, but she would like to pass on the best advice her mom has given her: "Always try your hardest. It doesn't matter if you fail or fall. As long as you try your hardest, that's good enough. But make sure you try your hardest."
For the whole of November, cookiefleur will be running a Christmas special! Her products are great for stocking fillers. So be sure to stop by Linda’s shop before stuffing those stockings because she will be offering a discount! Be sure to enter "a very cookiefleur christmas" in Message to Seller to get 15% off entire order (excluding shipping).
Please be sure to check out these other generous shops who also donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower: TessieLou, thelollipopboutique and ditsybitsy
*~* Don’t forget to stop by Jessica’s Blog from BuggaLove to read about more of the generous shops that donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower! Also be sure to check out the official Etsy Baby Shower blog!*~*
Thanks for your hard work on the feature, Deniz! =D