SmileyPomegranate’s shop is made up almost entirely of hand dyed organic bamboo velour blankets. Jayne recently added a listing for some toddler pants and will likely add different items here and there, depending on what she is excited about at the moment. She also plans on adding scarves, loveys, and throw sized blankets at some point, but would like to keep organic hand dyed blankets as her signature item. Right now Jayne’s favorite item is her Five Flavor Blanket, but admits that her favorite item is usually the one she has most recently completed.

This is SmileyPomegranate's first Etsy Baby Shower and she is excited to see what everyone makes and gets. Jayne said she “wishes [she] had an Etsy shop and had known about [Etsy Baby Shower] in time for Augie.” The lucky mom paired with SmileyPomegranate will most likely be getting a five flavor lovey.
Jayne’s advice to new moms is to make things easy on themselves whenever possible. Nurse and keep the baby in your bed! Jayne said she has only had to get out of bed to care for Augie obly about three times since he was born eight months ago. She adds that most of the time she has been able to sleep right through feedings since she has everything right there in bed with her. She also said unless your baby is really tiny not to worry about how often they eat. Neither of her children ate anywhere near every two hours as infants. Her final pieces of advice are to not stress about any of that stuff you think you're supposed to unless there is actually a problem and enjoy your baby!

This is the first time that Lovems1 has participated in the Etsy Baby Shower and will be watching for it from now on. The two lucky moms paired with Lovems1 will each be getting a
lovems of their choice, and they have chosen the gifraffe lovem and monkey lovem.

Nancy’s advice to new moms is to “always stop and take time for your babies – anything else can always wait, before you know it they will be grown and gone, they are only little once!” She recalls a memory from when her daughters were little. She says she was a type A mom who had to have everything done and everything needed to be in its place. Her grandma came over one day and said the most profound thing to her. She said, “Nancy when those girls are grown, they will not remember the day you didn’t make the beds because you stopped to play a game with them, they will however remember that you always made the time for them no matter what!”

Nancy’s advice to new moms is to “always stop and take time for your babies – anything else can always wait, before you know it they will be grown and gone, they are only little once!” She recalls a memory from when her daughters were little. She says she was a type A mom who had to have everything done and everything needed to be in its place. Her grandma came over one day and said the most profound thing to her. She said, “Nancy when those girls are grown, they will not remember the day you didn’t make the beds because you stopped to play a game with them, they will however remember that you always made the time for them no matter what!”
Lovems1.etsy.com, http://twitter.com/Lovems1

TLCBlanketsandThings sells custom baby blankets and is starting to add burp cloths, and wall hangings. Gretchen also paints murals and wants to include pictures to compliment her blankets and create a kind of one stop shopping for the nursery. I don't think I have a favorite product, I get a kick out of all the blankets and it is very fun for me to sketch the pictures and see them come to life when painted. I welcome custom orders and love to add different fabrics. The blankets are made out of minky and chenille and the back have a coordinating flannel.

This is TLCBlanketsandThings first time participating in the Etsy baby Shower, and thinks it is a wonderful idea. The lucky mom matched with TLCBlanketsandThings will be receiving a blanket.
Gretchen’s advice to new moms is to enjoy every minute because they grow up so fast. She encourages moms to remind themselves everyday that their baby will never be this age again and make it special and ads that “the special times are sometimes the most unexpected ones.”

This is LittleBabyFooFoo’s first time participating in an Etsy Baby Shower and the lucky mom paired with this shop will be receiving a chenille doll.
Ann’s advice for new moms is get rest whenever the baby rests, even if there are a million things to do. She says is “it was the only way [she] kept [her] sanity!”
LittleBabyFooFoo has offered a 10% discount off any custom chenille doll order to blog readers during the month of November. Be sure to mention you read the blog post in the ‘message seller’ portion during checkout.
Please be sure to check out these other generous shops who also donated gifts to the Etsy Baby
Shower: YourLoveyBoutique
*~* Don’t forget to stop by Jessica’s Blog from BuggaLove to read about more of the generous shops that donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower! *~*
*~* Don’t forget to stop by Jessica’s Blog from BuggaLove to read about more of the generous shops that donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower! *~*
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