Sara from SavvyStitcher joined Etsy on September 17, 2008.
Sara loves making contemporary baby items for contemporary moms and is inspired by new fabrics. She often rushes home to make a new creation when she gets a print she loves!
SavvyStitcher's shop is mostly made up of baby items, but also includes any new crafts that she has made and wants others to enjoy with her. Currently, Sara's favorite item is the embroidered squirrel onesie.
SavvyStitcher has also participated the spring 2009 baby shower and hopes to participate in many more! J The lucky mom matched with Sara will likely get a personalized bib or burp cloth set, but will wait until she hears back from her to hear what she likes!
Sara's advice to moms is that "the most important thing you can do is love your child unconditionally."
SavvyStitcher has offered free shipping for blog readers (enter code: Etsy Baby Shower) will refund via PayPal or revised invoice.
www.savvystitcher.etsy.com www.savvystitcher.blogspot.com
www.twitter.com/savvystitcher www.facebook.com/savvystitcher
Shannon from CuddleBaby joined Etsy in August 2007. When Shannon's 2nd daughter was born, she was 7 weeks early and spent 5 weeks in the NICU before coming home. Shannon loved the blankets they used there because they were so big and easy to wrap around her baby. She started making her own blankets after being annoyed when she couldn't buy any blankets that size, thus CuddleBaby Boutique was born.
CuddleBaby's shop is mostly comprised of X-Large Receiving Blankets, Minky blankets, several different Tutorials and really enjoys the challenge of making patterns for some of her favorite products! Although she likes the Receiving Blankets because they are so practical, she admits that she absolutely LOVES the Minky Blankets because "they are so soft and cuddly!" Her 7 week old baby loves his already and seems to prefer it over any others.
Shannon encourages new moms to "enjoy every second of every day because in the blink of an eye, your little one will not be so little anymore!"
CuddleBaby is currently offering a 'Buy 2 Get 1 Free' deal on all tutorials! All of her Minky blankets are also on sale right now.
www.cuddlebaby.etsy.com www.cuddlebabyblankets.blogspot.com
Mona from SewingGranny joined Etsy in June of 2007 after a marketing consultant suggested she check Etsy for to determine what price certain items were selling for. She loves to sew and loves beautiful fabrics...as soon as she finds a new fabric she immediately starts imagining what she can do with it. SewingGranny's shop is all about sewn items...her passion is quilting, but has ventured out into other items. Her shop has a wide variety of items now...Baby quilts, baby bibs and burp clothes, aprons, potholders and placemats, and does a lot of custom work. Mona's favorite items are her quilted baby quilts... She sells a lot of them to friends, family, coworkers and at her consignment shops.
SewingGranny also participated in the Etsy Baby Shower last year. The lucky mom matched up with SewingGranny will be getting a baby burp cloth set and possibly a surprise for the new little bundle!

Please be sure to check out these other generous shops who donated to the Etsy Baby Shower:
perfectlyprecious and barnyardbaby
*~* Please also stop by Jessica's Blog from BuggaLove to read about more of the generous shops who donated gifts to the Etsy Baby Shower! *~*
Thank you for the great blog post...I enjoy the Baby shower so much and can not wait til my mom gets your gift!! The other shops are great artists too!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for featuring me! I can't wait to get started on my mom's gift:)